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You & Your Well Being

That’s What MJD is All About

There’s a simpler, more balanced way to live a healthier lifestyle, one that fits into your life rather than occupies it, one that continues to nurture your mental and physical well being.  And we want to show you how to get there.

How we do that is what really sets us apart from traditional gyms.

One-on-One Attention & Tailored Programs

Everyone’s different. Your body is one-of-a-kind. You have a unique personality, face unique stresses, have unique circumstances and goals. A fitness program that works for someone else may not work the same for you. One-on-one attention helps us get to know you and develop training programs tailored to your individual circumstances, personality, life and goals.

A Boutique
Fitness Studio

The right environment is one in which you feel comfortable and at ease. It’s private. In other words, it offers everything you need to focus on your reasons for being there. Grab a water when you arrive. The space is well-appointed with the most up-to-date fitness technology. The air is HEPA filtered. The executive change rooms feature complimentary towel service and grooming products.

Your Peace of
Mind & Confidence

If you’re not comfortable doing something and confident about why you’re doing it, how long will you continue? Together, we’ll find what motivates you, what works for you and, perhaps most importantly, what doesn’t work for you. The comfort and confidence you derive from that will power your results.

Form is

Form is everything. You can’t learn the correct form – your correct form – from a book, a blog post or a group session. When you optimize your form while you move, you optimize your results. It means faster results, better results, easier results. And it makes the next step, the one that takes you to a higher level, more logical and easier to take.

Managing Risk vs Reward

There’s risk in everything you do. You might think that spending more time at the gym is good, except for how it might affect other parts of your life. Reaching a personal best feels great, unless there’s a twinge. Find the right balance between risk and reward while training and you’ll find the right path to your mental and physical well being.

Matt’s Story

“I started working out when I was 13. My Mom wanted to help my athletics and give me more discipline and structure for school.

It worked! My grades got better and I was fortunate enough to pursue a career as a professional athlete. But it wasn’t without mistakes along the way. Of course, back then there were not many (any?) workout programs for 13 year olds. So I had to learn by trial and error – and errors when you workout can get painful!

Perhaps the best thing to come out of it all was how much I learned. Things like the difference between working out and training. Workouts help you burn some calories and pump your muscles. But training isn’t a one-time thing like that. It’s a progression.

All along, I realized that others could benefit from what I learned. When I retired as a professional, I decided to put everything I learned, all my experiences, to work to help others learn from my mistakes.

For starters, I don’t offer workouts. But I will put together a training program for you, one that includes physical and mental health and nutrition training and counselling. I will support and guide you through your entire program.

Because of my early start in training, I also want to pass along my lessons learned to young people, between 12 and 18 years of age. Between online peer pressure and inactive lifestyles, they face a number of physical and emotional challenges. I really appreciate the opportunity to help them use fitness as a way to cope and succeed.

When you’re ready to chat and take a tour of the studio, I’d be happy to talk to you about how we can help you fit fitness into your life on your terms.”

Matt DeRosa founded MJD Sports Training & Lifestyle Management after a successful career as a professional athlete. This is why he did that, in his own words.


“He refuses to see me more than twice a week so I could spend more time with family, friends and doing things I enjoy while still accomplishing my goals. The cleanliness, equipment and privacy is an added bonus to what Matt has to offer.”
Rosanna Cruz
Google Reviews
“He shows you how to get the most impact through modest effort only, so that you can have that optimal balance without needing to be in the gym on a daily basis.”
Zafar Jamal
Google Reviews
“I’ve been working with Matt for 4 years now and as a business owner and living a hectic lifestyle I appreciate how Matt takes care of my fitness, health and nutrition and keeps me at the top of my game at work and from a personal perspective.”
Bill Petsinis
Google Reviews

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